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The Almond​s Pre-School

EST 1966

​​​Local Authority/Government Funding

This is available to your child from the term following their third birthday - this represents 15 hours per week over a 38 week period throughout the academic year. These hours are flexible and can be used for lunch sessions.

Some Working Families can access up to 30 hours free childcare which can be used between different settings.
Funding is also available for some two year old children who are either from Working Families or Families in receipt of some sort of Government support.
Information about any of the above funding can be found on

15 hours childcare
Age 9 - 23 months
'Working families'

15 hours childcare
Age 2
'Families getting some form of government support'

15 hours childcare
Age 3 & 4
'All families'

15 or 30 hours childcare
Age 2 - 4
'Working families'

Pre-School Fees

Accounts are issued at the beginning of each term and can be paid weekly, monthly or termly in advance. There can be no allowance made for absense. Current rates are available on request.

Please note that a half terms notice is required to terminate your childs place at pre-school or to reduce hours. Failure to give the required notice will result in a half terms fees being charged.